7 Successful CEO Habits to Thrive as an Entrepreneur

We all have the same number of hours every week, so how are some people more successful at running their business than others?

It all comes down to the power of habits. Even the biggest & brightest ideas won’t come to fruition if how you choose to spend your time every day doesn’t align with your goals. In contrast, integrating certain habits into your daily routine can help bring your vision to life. Here are the top seven daily habits of successful CEOs. 

1.They Manage Their Time 

Successful entrepreneurs are strategic about how they spend their time. As a CEO, one of the most important skills you can learn is how to run your days instead of letting them run you. At any given moment, there will probably be multiple things that require your attention, so it’s important to have a system in place that allows you to efficiently tackle the tasks on your plate without getting overwhelmed. 

Time blocking, goal setting, and prioritization are all essential time management skills that successful people use to stay on track and make the best use of their time. Time is a non-renewable resource, so spend it wisely. 

2. They Delegate

Delegation is such an important aspect of time management that it deserves a separate place on this list. As a CEO, you shouldn’t be spending multiple hours a day bogged down by small details and repetitive tasks. Staying in your zone of genius should be your top priority, so make it a habit to think about the tasks that you may be able to delegate to your team members. 

This is a harder habit to stick to when you’re just starting out because your resources are limited. That said, delegation is essential to business growth, so prioritize it in the long-term. 

→ Bookkeeping & doing your taxes is a common time drain for entrepreneurs and business owners. Desi Tax bookkeeping and tax services can give you your time back.  

3. They Eliminate Distractions

Phone notifications and social media alerts are productivity killers. As a CEO, you have no time to lose. Reducing as many distractions as possible is one of the most important habits of successful entrepreneurs and can do wonders for your mental health. 

Silencing non-urgent phone notifications and structuring your work day to only check email/social media a few times a day are great ways to allocate more brain power to running your business. You can also try the Pomodoro Technique and work undistracted in 25-minute blocks. 

4. They Take Care of Their Health

Leading a healthy lifestyle keeps your brain sharp and makes you more productive. You’re also going to need to take fewer sick days and will likely have more inner resources to be creative, which is essential in entrepreneurship. 

Healthy habits of entrepreneurs include getting 8 hours of sleep, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and incorporating regular exercise into your routine. Habits like meditation, journaling, and spending time outside are also great ways to improve your health. 

5. They Never Stop Learning

Successful entrepreneurs are life-long learners. They stay up-to-date on current industry trends, deepen their knowledge on running a business, and join ongoing conversations with other entrepreneurs to share their opinions and learn about new perspectives. To thrive as an entrepreneur, make learning a daily habit. 

Modern technology offers many learning opportunities to entrepreneurs. You can watch YouTube videos, take an online class, or read articles on relevant topics to expand your horizons. That said, nothing beats reading a physical book. Many successful entrepreneurs — for example, Bill Gates — read 50+ books a year. 

6. They Wake Up Early

As a CEO, focus on creating a routine that sets you up for success. Waking up early is a habit that many entrepreneurs swear by because it gives you undisturbed time to reflect, exercise, write, read, or do anything else that puts you in a better mood for the rest of the day. 

Getting used to waking up early may need some time and perseverance. Experiment with going to bed earlier, limiting screen time in the evenings, and eating a healthy dinner to make it easier to avoid snoozing your alarm. You can also create a consistent morning routine that you look forward to, such as preparing a delicious breakfast and reading an interesting book over a hot cup of coffee. 

7. They Stay on Top of Their Bookkeeping

Successful CEOs know how much money goes in and out of their business bank accounts. They stay on top of their numbers and have accurate revenue and expense projections that they can base important business decisions on. Consistent bookkeeping is essential for healthy business operations, so make sure to include it into your daily routine. 

If you’re in the initial stages of running your own business, you can do your bookkeeping yourself. To stay on track with your bookkeeping, make it a habit. Instead of seeing it as a boring task that you need to get over with, dedicate 15 minutes every day to recording your business transactions and analyzing your numbers while treating yourself to a hot drink or a snack. 

However, doing your own bookkeeping is time-consuming and can easily get confusing. 

Time management and delegation are crucial aspects of being a successful CEO (as we’ve established in this article!), so consider hiring Desi Tax to take bookkeeping off your plate and provide you with clear information to make profitable decisions. 


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